Our work is focussed on addressing our clients’ big strategic issues and challenges, and driving change.
To achieve this we specialise in the key approaches below, using a bespoke methodology for every brief.
And to deliver it, we have insight and marketing specialists working together, enabling transformative marketing and innovation
founded on understanding and measurement of customer and consumer needs.
Segmentation is the most powerful springboard to identify opportunities for targeting, portfolio planning, innovation and brand positioning. We have experience across many different sectors, and countries.
We’ll segment on consumers, needs, occasions or channel, or combinations of these, according to what’s strategically relevant, using leading-edge data-science.
Where relevant we fuse our segmentations with clients’ customer-databases, to enhance targeting and actionability.
We mobilise the business through engaging workshops focused on unlocking opportunities, which we quantify and prioritise commercially.
We developed an agile approach to assessing brand equity, because clients tell us that traditional methods cost too much and are too focused on the needs of market leaders. Our approach is designed specifically for brands with a challenger mentality.
We use a smart mix of measures including implicit and non-verbal, to reflect how consumers really think and feel.
We reveal and measure your brand’s distinctive assets and personality.
Recommendations are developed by experts in insight and branding, to help brands challenge harder.
We help our clients use insight to deliver transformative marketing.
Portfolio planning: identifying overlaps and gaps in your brand and product portfolio.
Category and Brand Vision: planning how to drive category growth and the future of your brands.
Brand Positioning: understanding and leveraging your brand equity, in order to build a focused and distinctive positioning.
Great innovation doesn’t happen by magic. It requires a combination of inspiration, insight, a view of the future and strategic thinking. We help our clients innovate with confidence, by:
Unlocking changing customer needs, through consumer insight, trend analysis, semiotics and Design Thinking.
Ideation, concept and proposition development.
Sensitive screening and optimising of concepts and prototypes.